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Start Your Health Journey Today


Meet Sergio

Certified Nutritionist for Sports and Weight Management

I am passionate about health, nutrition, fitness and happiness. I like to bring a positive and motivating attitude I enjoy helping people reach a goal that they would have never thought possible. I love researching and staying up to date with the latest scientific advancements and literature and being able to apply these methods and strategies.


I help my clients achieve their body composition and fitness goals using scientifically proven methods and strategies. My approach focuses on professional support, accountability, education, and expert interventions. Every appointment is tailored to meet unique nutritional needs and lifestyle. I am supportive with my customers and their journeys. I listen well and show empathy putting myself in my customers shoes.

Meet Sergio
Why SL Nutritionist

Why Choose Our Services?

How can they help?


Sports Performance

As a sports nutritionist, we can help you improve your athletic performance and optimise your nutrition for your specific sport.

Training Nutrition

 We can help you optimise your training performance and results with tailored diet plans, lifestyle suggestions, and supplement guidance.

Gut Health

We can help you improve your digestive health identifying the cause of your problems and implementing an elimination diet and supplement protocol.


Weight Management

We can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight through personalised nutrition plans and lifestyle changes.

Healthy Aging

We can help you age gracefully and healthily through targeted nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

Injury Recovery

We can help you recover from injuries and surgeries through targeted nutrition utilising anti-inflammatory foods that will help support your recovery.


Client Success Stories

“I've been working with Sergio for a few months now and have seen a huge improvement in my athletic performance. His personalised approach to nutrition has been a game changer for me!”

— Sarah W.

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Guide to Healthy Eating

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